Saturday, November 25, 2006
it's exactly one more month to the loveliest day of the year (: im waiting.
meanwhile, my house's undergoing major renovations.so its portable toilet till 4th december /: and the entire house looked like some plastic land cos everything's covered up with groundsheets of all sort of colors except for my room which still stays rather intact and 'livable' until next tuesday when they will tear down my windows.
anyway,renovations can be pretty cool cos when u walk up the stairs all your neighbours' doors are open wide.haha.but the noise made's DEAFENING.rahh/
and i'd my debut work experience for 3 days this week.as inventory for stan-chart marathon this coming year end.inventory sounds nice huh,but its just taking stock of delivery, packing their goodie bags at really fast speed, transporting boxes after boxes of 'goods'.coolie-alike.haha.and i never knew canoe guys can be so amusing.how many sets of bridge did i win? haha.and mel will go "ayee, beginner's luck!",whatever.and its not my fault that i walked the wrong way to the dessert stall :P okay, me and mel got labelled power girls eh, damn funny.
its really a worthwhile experience being a part of such a major event (: to all the runners out there for this event,42km, conquer it! and darling yimtong come back soon,we'll see you dash for 21km this marathon!
stayed over at tiffany's last monday.we met yet again at our trademark dining place.grins (: so short a time yet so much to rattle on about.scrutinizing photos and not forgetting the really-cranky part before total silence fell in.haha.its so comforting relishing those childhood memories.
thanks for standing by me since we're seven.know what, a decade has passed, and my best friend's still there for me (:
missed training today /: exhausted after running about this entire week.will go down waters tomr before church to make up for it.recharge mode.haha.
ps; bones have loads of fun in japan.will be missing ya loads,take care (:
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
maybe looking forward to christmas supresses how much im missing everything back there.but i cant imagine christmas without being back home.its just,so different.pretty christmas trees and carols in the shopping malls and active church xmas preparations now somehow gives me some sense of comfort,but they cannot replace that warm lovely feeling i get spending time with old friends and simply sitting in my old church back there.
rahhh.i want to go back.
guess im really homesick.
especially at this point of time.
when christmas' drawing near.
and the one year wait till next year'll be an arduous one with the onslaught of As.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
just wanna say:
thank you 75,
for giving me so much more than all i could ever ask for all these while.
and the day at sentosa just adds on another wave of nostalgia (:
captain's ball under the scorching sun, futile attempt swimming towards the plot of land across the bridge, played 'monkey' in the sparkling water but at the same time choked by the high sodium content, a really dumb sandcastle competition in which the girls' emerged victorious with their cute turtle!, short 7-11 break, jellyfish discovery, a lost-and-found journey cycling and subway dinner. shueli, cheerup okay? whoever did it is really heartless or im sure lungless too! grr.
we must catch musical fountain some other time yeah?
last monday night'd been a really nice stayover at felicia's house.watched mr.house, an inspiring medical drama.all time favourite egg tarts!, card games which tell-it-all before dozing off, and updates of shocking, irritatable incidents neutralised by sweet happenings.old pal eh, i loved the fact that our houses are separated by just a bend in the road which is merely accessorised with 3 bus-stops.haha!
today's sermon in church made me ponder a lot.it was a gentle reminder to give thanks IN ALL circumstances, and not just giving thanks FOR good circumstances.no doubt there will be bad circumstances we may have to face, but there is no condition in this world so miserable that we have nothing to thank God for.throughout whatever ordeal we may be through, He is in control, and He's in it with us.and He has a reason and purpose for us.ordeal is God's permissible will to strengthen our faith, to stand firm and to trust Him more.
i like this definition of gratitude.gratitude is a vaccine, for it prevents invasion of a disgruntled spirit and frustration.it is an antotoxin which prevents criticisms and grumblings.lastly, an antiseptic that heals and soothes a troubled spirit.isnt it nice and comforting?
many a time we do not treasure the things around us until we lose them.and by then, it will be too late.and regrets will suffice.in the hussle of our daily lives, we are often so preoccupied that we do not even have the time to stop and give thanks for the simplest blessings in life - the air that we inhale, the beautiful nature amidst us, family, friends and the list goes on and on.
its just a word of thank you, to God.
training tomr at gym with coach and that can send some shivers.to be followed by stayover at tiffany's.im so looking forward to seeing you again (:
some things are yet answered,
and doubt will ever be.
perhaps not now.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
was late for training for one hour today cos i overslept /: hundredfifty pushups as punishment.rahhh! training now became such a routine that sometimes i wonder if i do actually improve as time passes or am i just mere stagnant on waters, or worse, became worse.there's still tons of mistakes for me to deal with and change and it sucks when your body refuse to adapt to the transition as you want it to be.like kicking harder on the right and leaning forward blah blah.
on a cherry note, yanhan im so proud to see you back on k1.you did well and keep it up! and, subway made its way to the top on the canoegirls' lunch list (:
anyway, had a productive day studying at esplanade library with yueqi, zhuting, nicholas, sean, and eunice yesterday.finally plucked up the courage to do MATHS - the horror.and changing appetites cheesecakes are 50% off every tuesday.so go and grab it (: so much for advertising.haha.
I MISS COUNCIL ): everything about it.
went back dunman high yesterday night to spy on the juniors' council camp.haha.guess what, the school gate's locked and i had to climb over it, just like the old guides days.of course,the camp's filled with new faces (the 4th and 5th generations) except for a few who were with me last yr.
best of all, its seeing my darling accomplices shihui, wailumn, dickson, the juniors close at heart lili, baojia and amelia and council teachers! memories of council days rewind itself again.its been so much a part of my life in dhs though its a short one year.all the preparations for sec1 orientation the whole of december, sports day cheerings and banner, PA duties every single morning, the graduation promenade, the chiangmai trip, doing nonsense for the sch, laughing away with laughter gang...
and little did i realise almost one year have flown past,council has been cut off from my everyday and i am no longer fussing over such things in jc.but talking to the councillors yesterday as well as cheering those ever familiar cheers made me relive a little of that moment.council has been a short and sweet gift, though it hadnt been easy unwrapping it, eventually what's inside has made me the person i am today.the moment is but temporary, but memory is forever.often i remind myself, dont cry because its over, smile because it happened.but at times, i just cant help but miss it.
unfathomable reminiscence.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
awakea beautiful and blinding morning
the world outside begins to breathe
see clouds arriving without warning
i need you here to shelter me
so keep me awake to memorize you
give me more time to feel this way
we can't stay like this forever
but i can have you next to me today
if i could make these moments endless
if i could stop the winds of change
if we just keep our eyes wide open
then everything would stay the sameso keep me awake for every moment
give us more time to be this way
we can't stay like this forever
but i can have you next to me today
we'll let tomorrow wait
you're here, right now, with me
all my fears just fade awaywhen you are all i see
and i know that only time will tell us how.
-josh groban
Saturday, November 11, 2006
5:54 PM 2nd week of hols!
just had much to say about the past five days.
waking up early every morning and rushing off to either kallang gym or macritchie to train.hols' routine and today's no exception.me and mel had one to one training last wed with the discovery of some awesome stunts transporting the kayaks.haha.yanhan's finally free from clucthes of meetings,thanks for the nice treat lihui,yimtong and yihang you're really missed on waters the past days!had gym session with coach today.demanding is the word.cos he made sure every damn pull is standard and done proper.and i HATE maximum inclined sit-ups.i totally sucked at it.and coach grinned when i had a such a hard time getting up.saddist! but he was nice enough to help me complete the whole three sets of thirty.whoever invented the inclined sit-up bench? im seriously going to murder him.grr.had lovely team lunch at suntec today, six of us before some of us fly off and leave me and mel perpetually stuck at macritchie this hols.aww.and a crazy taxi ride in the heavy rain followed by a totally wasted afternoon at sports council theaterette.haha.
had an art class dinner at mr tan's house tonight (: its really nice seeing everyone back again,though school ended just not long ago but it seems like ages since i last seen you guys.maybe its cos of the long hours we spent being stuck in the art room during school days.heh.watched superman returns with the cliche hero saving the day as always.but the show leaves a lingering sweet feeling nevertheless! and some scandals seem to confirm their existence tonight yeah?haha.thanks lyly for the company back home.im so proud that we found the bus-stop home despite little accidents along the way!grins.dinner tonight sets me looking back on the first day i stepped into the art class, filled with mostly ex aep nanyang and ch students.how i felt like a complete stranger,like i dont belong and shouldnt even try,the sense of awkwardness and apprehension overwhelmed me.now,its the total opposite.after we've been through so much,like staying up so late to complete the paintings and all (which i so foresee will happen next year),random art outings to arty places haha,being crushed under the pressure of our disgusting 3000word art essays and never ending deadlines to meet, it made me understand my art classmates for who they really are and not how i perceive them to be at the beginning of the year.time truly brings people together,somehow,miraculously.and i really treasure the times we've spent as an amazing art class.im glad i made the right choice (:
devoted time to study at the national library with sean tan and ended up talking 98% of the time,not to mention getting attacked by a not-so-qualified librarian.haha.
{last thursday}
a declaration of LOVE to huiqi and claire.claire's one crazy shopping queen eh.haha.and we tried on clothes as if the m)phosis racks were our wardrobes.plus,a hilarious incident happened which left the person at the cashier flabbergasted! met qi and decided our dinner fate at kenny roger's due to holes in our pockets.but it turned out really yummy.esp the hot side marcaroni cheese's a must-try (:

anyone who walked past our table would think that we've gone nuts.with all the silly poses.haha.

and the rockers in a band (:
its just sheer warmth being with you guys again (:
{last wednesday}
did my first ever studying this hols with yueqi,nicholas and lekchia at the esplanade library.getting back into the studying mood's rather torturous.haha.my mind doesnt seem to want to comprehend anything and my memory's still at a either pause or off mode,definitely far away from the play mode.in physics you call it inertia?haha.but i've got no choice i guess.better start revising now or regret later seems to be the threat.oh well.and we had a highly amusing subway dinner.pickles on just one side of the long foot? haha (:
{last tuesday}
op's finally over and its a HUGE RELIEF! chankeet,yuting and lekchia: thank you for being gorgeous pw teammates!wouldnt have made it through the whole year of pw alive without you guys with all the meetings and staying way late into the nights.building arts participation in singapore,haha,bet none of us would ever want to have anything to do with that, enough dosage.haha.so yep,the hols officially starts as pw marked its end.
i realised updating a blog this way's kind of queer,cos time's moving backwards.but cant help it.im so lazy but to squeeze everything into one entry.haha.
as it is
Monday, November 06, 2006
cant wait for it to be over.and that stall at adams rd please open the next time i go /:
high school gym isnt that bad after all, haha.
okay, last burst for op now.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
first week of hols has marked its end.ahhh roars! mine has been filled with trainings 5 days in a row.gym trainings,chinups,the everfamiliar 10minjogs and sloperuns and long distance waters followed by 2k sets and forest run today.being pushed so much more left me lethargic yet accomplished.a stronger and determined mind!haha.and teammates just made it complete (: thanks for subduing my fear of the bars and of course,an awfully entertaining lunch today.haha!darling QM rimmel,glad we survived the paddles trauma too!oh the ART BIENNALE's ending.so those who havent seen or heard about it do take a peek at least.its worth it,i promise!i loved the exhibits at the CITYHALL best.Especially liked the secret interiors by Donna Ong and searching for the 4 secret chambers has given me a unique and thought-provoking experience.had a trip to the substation for workshop,national museum and tanglin camp to view other parts of biennale with my artclass yesterday.the exhibits at tanglin camp are more morbid and gruesome,dealing with deaths and some are totally sick.oh and there's this exhibit where you have to climb the stairs and pop your head in and all you'll see is a garden with water surrounding your head.that one's beautiful artwork! but tanglin camp used to be a place for army concentration camp so the place gives a haunted and mysterious feeling,which's rather eerie at night.haha.SCREAM should have been held there!dinner at thai express with lyly,karweng,zhengyou and yinghern.shared green curry and seafood padthai with lyly,plus we're starving which made dinner ultra delicious (:hm,im feeling rather remorseful for deserting my holiday assignments or any form of revisions aside.shall only start after the nervewrecking op.longing for 7th nov to be over soon!{last saturday}
shots taken on
left:24th feb 06;right:28th oct 06
huiqi our darling fishball's always at the top ehh and claire's face's still as spastic as ever (: months have passed and im glad it still feels the same.we had tons to catch up on,oh wells.missed the old times! shall meet up soon and we can plunge ourselves into changing appetites coaches again!
church tomr, night (:
someone waited,and walked an extra mile ,for a mystery yet resolved ,at a seemingly empty cinema,a peek at dessert yet tasted, wandering aimlessly ,a rare 7kg steak ,as the night set in, a walk amidst no crowds,sat on the steps,witnessed waves in the air ,and flashes of lightning ,aspirations? amusing microphone and chopper,a pleasant surprise,on the train back home ,not so sweet popcorn,sweet strawberry paradise ,back to reality
Saturday, November 25, 2006
it's exactly one more month to the loveliest day of the year (: im waiting.
meanwhile, my house's undergoing major renovations.so its portable toilet till 4th december /: and the entire house looked like some plastic land cos everything's covered up with groundsheets of all sort of colors except for my room which still stays rather intact and 'livable' until next tuesday when they will tear down my windows.
anyway,renovations can be pretty cool cos when u walk up the stairs all your neighbours' doors are open wide.haha.but the noise made's DEAFENING.rahh/
and i'd my debut work experience for 3 days this week.as inventory for stan-chart marathon this coming year end.inventory sounds nice huh,but its just taking stock of delivery, packing their goodie bags at really fast speed, transporting boxes after boxes of 'goods'.coolie-alike.haha.and i never knew canoe guys can be so amusing.how many sets of bridge did i win? haha.and mel will go "ayee, beginner's luck!",whatever.and its not my fault that i walked the wrong way to the dessert stall :P okay, me and mel got labelled power girls eh, damn funny.
its really a worthwhile experience being a part of such a major event (: to all the runners out there for this event,42km, conquer it! and darling yimtong come back soon,we'll see you dash for 21km this marathon!
stayed over at tiffany's last monday.we met yet again at our trademark dining place.grins (: so short a time yet so much to rattle on about.scrutinizing photos and not forgetting the really-cranky part before total silence fell in.haha.its so comforting relishing those childhood memories.
thanks for standing by me since we're seven.know what, a decade has passed, and my best friend's still there for me (:
missed training today /: exhausted after running about this entire week.will go down waters tomr before church to make up for it.recharge mode.haha.
ps; bones have loads of fun in japan.will be missing ya loads,take care (:
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
maybe looking forward to christmas supresses how much im missing everything back there.but i cant imagine christmas without being back home.its just,so different.pretty christmas trees and carols in the shopping malls and active church xmas preparations now somehow gives me some sense of comfort,but they cannot replace that warm lovely feeling i get spending time with old friends and simply sitting in my old church back there.
rahhh.i want to go back.
guess im really homesick.
especially at this point of time.
when christmas' drawing near.
and the one year wait till next year'll be an arduous one with the onslaught of As.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
just wanna say:
thank you 75,
for giving me so much more than all i could ever ask for all these while.
and the day at sentosa just adds on another wave of nostalgia (:
captain's ball under the scorching sun, futile attempt swimming towards the plot of land across the bridge, played 'monkey' in the sparkling water but at the same time choked by the high sodium content, a really dumb sandcastle competition in which the girls' emerged victorious with their cute turtle!, short 7-11 break, jellyfish discovery, a lost-and-found journey cycling and subway dinner. shueli, cheerup okay? whoever did it is really heartless or im sure lungless too! grr.
we must catch musical fountain some other time yeah?
last monday night'd been a really nice stayover at felicia's house.watched mr.house, an inspiring medical drama.all time favourite egg tarts!, card games which tell-it-all before dozing off, and updates of shocking, irritatable incidents neutralised by sweet happenings.old pal eh, i loved the fact that our houses are separated by just a bend in the road which is merely accessorised with 3 bus-stops.haha!
today's sermon in church made me ponder a lot.it was a gentle reminder to give thanks IN ALL circumstances, and not just giving thanks FOR good circumstances.no doubt there will be bad circumstances we may have to face, but there is no condition in this world so miserable that we have nothing to thank God for.throughout whatever ordeal we may be through, He is in control, and He's in it with us.and He has a reason and purpose for us.ordeal is God's permissible will to strengthen our faith, to stand firm and to trust Him more.
i like this definition of gratitude.gratitude is a vaccine, for it prevents invasion of a disgruntled spirit and frustration.it is an antotoxin which prevents criticisms and grumblings.lastly, an antiseptic that heals and soothes a troubled spirit.isnt it nice and comforting?
many a time we do not treasure the things around us until we lose them.and by then, it will be too late.and regrets will suffice.in the hussle of our daily lives, we are often so preoccupied that we do not even have the time to stop and give thanks for the simplest blessings in life - the air that we inhale, the beautiful nature amidst us, family, friends and the list goes on and on.
its just a word of thank you, to God.
training tomr at gym with coach and that can send some shivers.to be followed by stayover at tiffany's.im so looking forward to seeing you again (:
some things are yet answered,
and doubt will ever be.
perhaps not now.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
was late for training for one hour today cos i overslept /: hundredfifty pushups as punishment.rahhh! training now became such a routine that sometimes i wonder if i do actually improve as time passes or am i just mere stagnant on waters, or worse, became worse.there's still tons of mistakes for me to deal with and change and it sucks when your body refuse to adapt to the transition as you want it to be.like kicking harder on the right and leaning forward blah blah.
on a cherry note, yanhan im so proud to see you back on k1.you did well and keep it up! and, subway made its way to the top on the canoegirls' lunch list (:
anyway, had a productive day studying at esplanade library with yueqi, zhuting, nicholas, sean, and eunice yesterday.finally plucked up the courage to do MATHS - the horror.and changing appetites cheesecakes are 50% off every tuesday.so go and grab it (: so much for advertising.haha.
I MISS COUNCIL ): everything about it.
went back dunman high yesterday night to spy on the juniors' council camp.haha.guess what, the school gate's locked and i had to climb over it, just like the old guides days.of course,the camp's filled with new faces (the 4th and 5th generations) except for a few who were with me last yr.
best of all, its seeing my darling accomplices shihui, wailumn, dickson, the juniors close at heart lili, baojia and amelia and council teachers! memories of council days rewind itself again.its been so much a part of my life in dhs though its a short one year.all the preparations for sec1 orientation the whole of december, sports day cheerings and banner, PA duties every single morning, the graduation promenade, the chiangmai trip, doing nonsense for the sch, laughing away with laughter gang...
and little did i realise almost one year have flown past,council has been cut off from my everyday and i am no longer fussing over such things in jc.but talking to the councillors yesterday as well as cheering those ever familiar cheers made me relive a little of that moment.council has been a short and sweet gift, though it hadnt been easy unwrapping it, eventually what's inside has made me the person i am today.the moment is but temporary, but memory is forever.often i remind myself, dont cry because its over, smile because it happened.but at times, i just cant help but miss it.
unfathomable reminiscence.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
awakea beautiful and blinding morning
the world outside begins to breathe
see clouds arriving without warning
i need you here to shelter me
so keep me awake to memorize you
give me more time to feel this way
we can't stay like this forever
but i can have you next to me today
if i could make these moments endless
if i could stop the winds of change
if we just keep our eyes wide open
then everything would stay the sameso keep me awake for every moment
give us more time to be this way
we can't stay like this forever
but i can have you next to me today
we'll let tomorrow wait
you're here, right now, with me
all my fears just fade awaywhen you are all i see
and i know that only time will tell us how.
-josh groban
Saturday, November 11, 2006
just had much to say about the past five days.
waking up early every morning and rushing off to either kallang gym or macritchie to train.hols' routine and today's no exception.me and mel had one to one training last wed with the discovery of some awesome stunts transporting the kayaks.haha.yanhan's finally free from clucthes of meetings,thanks for the nice treat lihui,yimtong and yihang you're really missed on waters the past days!had gym session with coach today.demanding is the word.cos he made sure every damn pull is standard and done proper.and i HATE maximum inclined sit-ups.i totally sucked at it.and coach grinned when i had a such a hard time getting up.saddist! but he was nice enough to help me complete the whole three sets of thirty.whoever invented the inclined sit-up bench? im seriously going to murder him.grr.had lovely team lunch at suntec today, six of us before some of us fly off and leave me and mel perpetually stuck at macritchie this hols.aww.and a crazy taxi ride in the heavy rain followed by a totally wasted afternoon at sports council theaterette.haha.
had an art class dinner at mr tan's house tonight (: its really nice seeing everyone back again,though school ended just not long ago but it seems like ages since i last seen you guys.maybe its cos of the long hours we spent being stuck in the art room during school days.heh.watched superman returns with the cliche hero saving the day as always.but the show leaves a lingering sweet feeling nevertheless! and some scandals seem to confirm their existence tonight yeah?haha.thanks lyly for the company back home.im so proud that we found the bus-stop home despite little accidents along the way!grins.dinner tonight sets me looking back on the first day i stepped into the art class, filled with mostly ex aep nanyang and ch students.how i felt like a complete stranger,like i dont belong and shouldnt even try,the sense of awkwardness and apprehension overwhelmed me.now,its the total opposite.after we've been through so much,like staying up so late to complete the paintings and all (which i so foresee will happen next year),random art outings to arty places haha,being crushed under the pressure of our disgusting 3000word art essays and never ending deadlines to meet, it made me understand my art classmates for who they really are and not how i perceive them to be at the beginning of the year.time truly brings people together,somehow,miraculously.and i really treasure the times we've spent as an amazing art class.im glad i made the right choice (:
devoted time to study at the national library with sean tan and ended up talking 98% of the time,not to mention getting attacked by a not-so-qualified librarian.haha.
{last thursday}
a declaration of LOVE to huiqi and claire.claire's one crazy shopping queen eh.haha.and we tried on clothes as if the m)phosis racks were our wardrobes.plus,a hilarious incident happened which left the person at the cashier flabbergasted! met qi and decided our dinner fate at kenny roger's due to holes in our pockets.but it turned out really yummy.esp the hot side marcaroni cheese's a must-try (:

anyone who walked past our table would think that we've gone nuts.with all the silly poses.haha.

and the rockers in a band (:
its just sheer warmth being with you guys again (:
{last wednesday}
did my first ever studying this hols with yueqi,nicholas and lekchia at the esplanade library.getting back into the studying mood's rather torturous.haha.my mind doesnt seem to want to comprehend anything and my memory's still at a either pause or off mode,definitely far away from the play mode.in physics you call it inertia?haha.but i've got no choice i guess.better start revising now or regret later seems to be the threat.oh well.and we had a highly amusing subway dinner.pickles on just one side of the long foot? haha (:
{last tuesday}
op's finally over and its a HUGE RELIEF! chankeet,yuting and lekchia: thank you for being gorgeous pw teammates!wouldnt have made it through the whole year of pw alive without you guys with all the meetings and staying way late into the nights.building arts participation in singapore,haha,bet none of us would ever want to have anything to do with that, enough dosage.haha.so yep,the hols officially starts as pw marked its end.
i realised updating a blog this way's kind of queer,cos time's moving backwards.but cant help it.im so lazy but to squeeze everything into one entry.haha.
as it is
Monday, November 06, 2006
cant wait for it to be over.and that stall at adams rd please open the next time i go /:
high school gym isnt that bad after all, haha.
okay, last burst for op now.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
first week of hols has marked its end.ahhh roars! mine has been filled with trainings 5 days in a row.gym trainings,chinups,the everfamiliar 10minjogs and sloperuns and long distance waters followed by 2k sets and forest run today.being pushed so much more left me lethargic yet accomplished.a stronger and determined mind!haha.and teammates just made it complete (: thanks for subduing my fear of the bars and of course,an awfully entertaining lunch today.haha!darling QM rimmel,glad we survived the paddles trauma too!oh the ART BIENNALE's ending.so those who havent seen or heard about it do take a peek at least.its worth it,i promise!i loved the exhibits at the CITYHALL best.Especially liked the secret interiors by Donna Ong and searching for the 4 secret chambers has given me a unique and thought-provoking experience.had a trip to the substation for workshop,national museum and tanglin camp to view other parts of biennale with my artclass yesterday.the exhibits at tanglin camp are more morbid and gruesome,dealing with deaths and some are totally sick.oh and there's this exhibit where you have to climb the stairs and pop your head in and all you'll see is a garden with water surrounding your head.that one's beautiful artwork! but tanglin camp used to be a place for army concentration camp so the place gives a haunted and mysterious feeling,which's rather eerie at night.haha.SCREAM should have been held there!dinner at thai express with lyly,karweng,zhengyou and yinghern.shared green curry and seafood padthai with lyly,plus we're starving which made dinner ultra delicious (:hm,im feeling rather remorseful for deserting my holiday assignments or any form of revisions aside.shall only start after the nervewrecking op.longing for 7th nov to be over soon!{last saturday}
shots taken on
left:24th feb 06;right:28th oct 06
huiqi our darling fishball's always at the top ehh and claire's face's still as spastic as ever (: months have passed and im glad it still feels the same.we had tons to catch up on,oh wells.missed the old times! shall meet up soon and we can plunge ourselves into changing appetites coaches again!
church tomr, night (:
someone waited,and walked an extra mile ,for a mystery yet resolved ,at a seemingly empty cinema,a peek at dessert yet tasted, wandering aimlessly ,a rare 7kg steak ,as the night set in, a walk amidst no crowds,sat on the steps,witnessed waves in the air ,and flashes of lightning ,aspirations? amusing microphone and chopper,a pleasant surprise,on the train back home ,not so sweet popcorn,sweet strawberry paradise ,back to reality